Mar 29, 2010

Big Steps

He's off. 14 months and finally walking! It was all I could do to keep up with him when he was crawling... it's going to take some serious energy to keep up now! This boy is 100% full force, non-stop, all the time. So far he's had a black eye, busted lip, broken tooth, and multiple bruises and scrapes from falls and being hit in the head with swings, toys, etc... Most of the time he just picks up and keeps right on going! It takes me, Annely Blake, and Will to corral him during the day and keep up with what he's getting into. I've got them trained to keep bathroom doors shut and things picked up, otherwise we'd find him splashing in toilets, eating tissue from trash cans, tipping over the dog bowl, ripping up the kids book and toy, and on, and on, and on,....... I'm not kidding, he's NON-STOP!!!!! He's so cute though, it's hard to stay mad :) Other than chasing him all around the house, we've also been in a battle to keep him well. Asthma, chronic ear infections and the possibility of tubes in the near future. He's a great sleeper, which is pretty much the only reason I have any time for the other two kids! Enjoy some pictures of Henry on the move........

Feb 24, 2010

Hello, Blog

what happens when you only update your blog once a month??? you end up with tons and tons of pictures......, like these. that have to be posted. because the grandparents are screaming :) without further ado....

our new dog, Flora. yes, this is our third dog. third times a charm, right? she's pretty awesome, though. she doesn't bite, chew, bark, or jump. most of the time I don't even know she's there. my kind of dog. we took her in from a friend who found her wandering. she's cost us lots of money and we've only had her a few weeks. but the kids love her. no, take that back, they are obsessed with her. especially Annely Blake. so that makes her worth it.
our poor crooked snowman before will kicked him over.

will got a new bike for his birthday. we're working on the riding part.

we had a joint birthday party for will and henry a few weeks back. will wanted a football theme. and yes, I made the cake myself!

the two birthday boys about to blow out the candles.

a week before our joint family party, will and friend L had a joint school party as they both turned 5 together.

aren't they cute? they just had their first kiss a few days ago. I'll make sure and remind them in about 10 years when that kind of thing is reaallly embarrassing.

what do you expect with six kids under 5?

Henry's actual birthday. as you can see, he wasn't too shy about the cake.

ahhhh, he's one!!

will went up to our mountain cabin with both sets of grandfathers and matt. he called it the "guys" weekend. who let my little boy shoot a gun?

the "guys"

Jan 23, 2010

What a Difference a Year Makes.....

One Year. Wow. It's hard to believe our little Henry-bug is one today! Words really can't express to you how glad I am it's 1/23/10 and not 1/23/09. It's been a hard year...let's just say! One year ago today I entered the hospital to deliver this little guy....running a fever and suffering from a sinus infection that had been lingering for a month and that I had already taken one antibiotic for. At 4:08 pm I gave birth to my biggest baby yet, feverish, hacking my head off, and exhausted after being up for 24 hours. He screamed solid for one hour. This may not sound like a big deal to you....."uh, Kat...babies cry." Yeah, but not ours. Ours are born quiet and just squeak and grunt. They don't scream. Well, apparently no one told Henry this. He then proceeded to stay away for almost 4 hours after birth. FOUR HOURS. Matt and I looked at each other and wondered if he'd ever go to sleep! The low-point of the day came late that night, when everyone had gone home, and I sobbed on the phone to the on-call OB begging him for another antibiotic to help me feel better. And so began a year-long journey for me. To expand, and grow as a mom, to learn things I thought I already knew, and to get rid of some of the pride of thinking I had done it "right" for the past four years with the other two. Henry changed me. Or rather, God used him to change me. Through the colic and reflux, the sleep issues, the severe post-partum depression, the health concerns with him, and so on.... I learned to relax a little, to let go of the schedule some (just some) and to trust God more. Today I celebrate surviving (Henry and Me!) a year of change and to reaching this milestone!

pictures to capture each month of Henry's life:

Happy Birthday big guy!! Here's to surviving the terrible two's with you!

Jan 5, 2010

Saying Goodbye to 2009

2009 will go down in the record books for our family. Lots of change and lots going on. I'm hoping 2010 brings a little rest and reflection for us as we sit back and settle into life where it is right now. I'll leave you with the last pictures taken from '09: our Christmas celebrations both here and in Athens with my family. Happy New Year!!!!