Oct 30, 2007

trick or treat

I took the kids this afternoon to Matt's work for trick or treating. They have bowls and bowls of candy set out and Will did a good job stocking up. Here are some pics from today. Look for more pics from our small group costume party tomorrow where the adults dress up. Now that's one you won't want to miss!

Little pumpkin (and a cute one I might add :)) "Could someone please take this thing off my head?"

Will the clown. (Or a hobo, as one woman mistakenly called him)

"What do you mean I can't have any more candy?"

Oct 26, 2007

monkey joes, guys ball

With Luke at Monkey Joes. With all the inflatable jumping areas, they only wanted to ride the moving fire truck. Go figure. Partners in crime.

We took Will to see a little league baseball game Thursday night. We've been blessed not only with Christian neighbors, but they have three sons! (affectionately referred to as "the guys.") Will has spent countless hours staring out the window into their yard watching them hit balls. He loves it. No- he's obsessed with it.
Watching the action from the fence.

Baldy. That poor girl is never going to see her hair bows!

Will, our neighbor, intently watching another game across the way.

Will and neighbor Joe running around playing chase.

Oct 24, 2007

Pumpkin Painting

The drop in temperature and cloudy weather has provided Will with some opportunities for artistic expression. Here he is painting his pumpkin, (and the table, himself, the floor......)

And just because I couldn't resist, some pics from reading time before naps the other day.

Oct 18, 2007

Pumpkin Patch

Matt took off a little early from work today and we all headed over to Best Nursery to the pumpkin patch. Will loved it- as with most things, when daddy's involved, things just seem a little more fun. Excuse the abundance of pictures, but you know how it is....when the kids are involved I find myself just snap snapping away.

Oct 11, 2007


Fall is good for......

contemplating life pumpkin picking

getting some fresh air outside

....and cloud gazing

enjoying the swing set

and crashing!


Oct 6, 2007


Annely Blake fell asleep in the johnny jump up! Will can put his shoes on "all by self!"

Oct 2, 2007

t-ball, squash

Upon hearing Will loves t-ball so much, my parents bought this contraption for him. It provided hours of entertainment along with his never-ending commentary, "Will hit the fast one!" screamed about 1000 times.
Great set-up....

.....and follow through.

On to a completely different subject: baby food. I tried my hand at making my own squash for AB today. I roasted a butternut squash in the oven, added some salt, butter and water and blended. An entire container awaits to be eaten. The verdict is still out on whether it's worth it or not. Great ingredients- much more time consuming.

Not sure how much actually made it in her mouth. Hopefully it'll grow on her. :)