Feb 18, 2009

Finally....some pictures!

My camera is back! I won't post all the pictures I've taken to make up for not having any for two weeks...but I will post a few to show you what we've been up to lately. Will turned 4 last week and we celebrated over the weekend! Henry will be 4 weeks on Friday (hard to believe), and things have been CRAZY around here. I thought going from 1 to 2 kids was hard but this is unbelievable! I can't wait for some warmer weather so I can throw the older two outside :)

Baby Henry....2 weeks old
Will's cowboy hat birthday cake (sorry so small)- lovingly made by miss Bridget!
Will at his party

His cowboy outfit he got from my parents...every waking moment is spent dressed up in this

Can't leave out the cowgirl!

and because he's changing every day....another picture of baby Henry taken last night

1 comment:

beck'sthree said...

Yeah, everyone who says 2 to 3 is easier than 1 to 2 is full of crap. I didn't want to tell you ahead of time.