We are not drowning under the weight of three kids....my camera has malfunctioned and is being fixed by Cannon. I haven't updated, thinking that people would much prefer pictures of the kids vs me just "talking." We are adjusting well and are still enjoying the added help of family here. Matt's parents arrived Monday and are leaving Friday. We will then officially be on our own to manage our 3. Henry is doing great, and I take everything back I said about him being fussy. He is most definitely NOT fussy. In fact, sometimes I forget he's even around. Most of his awake time is spent in the bouncy seat on the floor watching quietly the chaos that's ensuing around him. He usually doesn't make a peep, unless he's hungry, in which case he wails very loudly. He is by far my most alert baby, (and the loudest), which may be why I jumped the gun calling him fussy. He is still spitting up a TON, but I am watching him closely and it doesn't seem to be bothering him. Will and
Annely Blake are both adjusting in their own ways. Will for the most part has ignored Henry and has been very helpful in fetching things for me when I need them.
Annely Blake is a different story. She spends most of the day following me around the house crying, which after a morning listening to it makes me want to join her. I'm getting decent sleep....Henry gets up 2-3 times a night, which is do-able for now. We celebrate Matt's 30
th birthday last night and will celebrate Will's 4
th next week. Hopefully my camera will be back by then! Just wanted to let you all know we are still alive and give a little update.