Jan 10, 2009


Yes, I'm still here, still very pregnant, and playing the waiting game. (A game I'm not very good at I might add.) Other than the count down to becoming a family of five, we're all just trying to stay well around here. Last week it was fever and pink eye for Annely Blake, this week I've been fighting some terrible infection that seems to have settled in my throat. Matt made the comment today, "wouldn't it be nice to have one week where all four (soon to be five) members of our family are well?" I said, "yeah, we can dream, right? :)) Anyways, I'll leave you with a few pictures of the past week or two....gotta keep the grandparents happy, right? Until next time, we'll be here just waiting.....

the house Matt and Will constructed with Will's lincoln log set from Christmas Will and AB watching out the window at the yard crew across the street....how cute?!

Annely Blake with a bow in her hair (finally!) I thought she looked particularly grown up here- sniff, sniff.

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