Nov 20, 2007

Turkey day at School

Will had his little pre-school program today, which included his class "singing" (I use the term loosely) a couple of songs together on stage. Following in the footsteps of his mother, Will jumped around on stage, hid behind things and had to be pulled out by his teacher, and otherwise looked clueless when it came to participating in the song-singing. And in case you were wondering, yes, I was that obnoxious mother standing up in the back with the video camera lest I miss a minute of his on-stage debut.

Here he is: off in "Will world" His turkey t-shirt. He did NOT want his picture to be taken, but I took it anyways :)
Can't forget about Annely Blake. Who participated by trying to pull the table cloth off the table, arching her back and screeching, and banging her rattle loudly on the table during the prayer.

1 comment:

Two Mini Girls said...

hey katherine,
My girls have that same little jumper that ann blakely has on. she is soo cute.