Oct 2, 2007

t-ball, squash

Upon hearing Will loves t-ball so much, my parents bought this contraption for him. It provided hours of entertainment along with his never-ending commentary, "Will hit the fast one!" screamed about 1000 times.
Great set-up....

.....and follow through.

On to a completely different subject: baby food. I tried my hand at making my own squash for AB today. I roasted a butternut squash in the oven, added some salt, butter and water and blended. An entire container awaits to be eaten. The verdict is still out on whether it's worth it or not. Great ingredients- much more time consuming.

Not sure how much actually made it in her mouth. Hopefully it'll grow on her. :)

1 comment:

ejm said...

i tried my hand at making homemade baby food and charlie hated it! i was devastated because i loved the idea! hopefully AB will appreciate your efforts more than charlie appreciated mine. :)