Oct 26, 2007

monkey joes, guys ball

With Luke at Monkey Joes. With all the inflatable jumping areas, they only wanted to ride the moving fire truck. Go figure. Partners in crime.

We took Will to see a little league baseball game Thursday night. We've been blessed not only with Christian neighbors, but they have three sons! (affectionately referred to as "the guys.") Will has spent countless hours staring out the window into their yard watching them hit balls. He loves it. No- he's obsessed with it.
Watching the action from the fence.

Baldy. That poor girl is never going to see her hair bows!

Will, our neighbor, intently watching another game across the way.

Will and neighbor Joe running around playing chase.

1 comment:

d said...

Message from Luke:
uiui3iuecaZk kkk fkkffkp4 .,d,..,.,m.,. fu enrnt4t9 ......9unxt
(Wo, I had a great time at Monkey Joe's but please don't put your arm around me like that anymore.....and war eagle)