May 16, 2007


Newton's Law of Parenting #1:
Your child will only get sick surrounding a vacation, major event, or birthday.

In Will's first two years of life he has only been really sick a total of four times.

1. A nasty stomach virus when he was seven months old and we were on our way to Charleston. We were going to Charleston to visit my grandmother so she could meet Will for the first time. He proceeded to vomit on her within the first five minutes of their meeting. Good first impression.
2. Croup on his first birthday. If you think I'm joking you should see his birthday pictures. Red snotty nose, swollen eyes and NO smile. I spent the entire night prior to his birthday up with him, medicating his fever, listening to his barky cough, and steaming the bathroom so he could breathe easier.
3. Ear infection with 105 fever. This occurred this past November right before Thanksgiving. We were only able to go to Savannah because we caught it somewhat early and started antibiotics just before we left to go out of town
4. And now a sinus infection and two crusty conjunctivitis infected eyes. Where are we now? Out of town of course! Between the two kids I was up four times several nights ago. One crying for food, the other crying because he was "scared," and wanted me to "hold you mommy, hold you."
AHHHH, the life of a mother!


The Zevacs said...

Kat-I'm so sorry Will is sick. I guess somehow we gave it to him. Who knows! It only took two days for Luke's eyes to get he on an antibiotic?

Hope ya'll have fun in spite of all that!

posey said...

sounds like lilly gayle may have that. she has congestion and mucous/drainy eyes. i have not taken her in to the doc. yet. maybe i should. call us if yall get a chance this weekend

ejm said...

Oh how sweet ('tho probably not in the middle of the night: "hold you mommy"). I'm so sorry Will is sick!! You're right, it IS Murphy's Law!

BTW, I can't believe Josh is getting married! And I can't believe he didn't invite us! :) Josh, if you are reading this, WHAT THE HECK? :)