May 29, 2007
Ahhh, summer has arrived. Here in Columbus that means muggy, hot, 90 degree days, mosquitoes and plenty of excuses for sitting outside. This weekend I got the go-ahead from Matt to purchase a new patio set. It's been over a year since our old glass-topped table set blew over in a storm and shattered all over our patio. We love to entertain and have people over so much this has been quite an inconvenience. We had to make do with three salvaged chairs that we would strategically place in shady spots around the yard. I found this great set from Target and just love it! Matt and I found plenty of ways to break it in this weekend. Our coffee was enjoyed here each morning and we had some friends over last night for a barbecue while the kids played in the pool and slip-n-slide. Overall it was a relaxing weekend for all of us.
May 27, 2007
May 26, 2007
May 25, 2007
May 24, 2007
May 23, 2007
Beauty Queen
May 22, 2007
May 20, 2007
Our Trip in Pictures...
We're back home now from our one week road trip. Here are some highlights:
Rehearsal dinner for Josh. Our first night out since the baby was born.
Rehearsal dinner for Josh. Our first night out since the baby was born.
May 16, 2007
Newton's Law of Parenting #1:
Your child will only get sick surrounding a vacation, major event, or birthday.
In Will's first two years of life he has only been really sick a total of four times.
1. A nasty stomach virus when he was seven months old and we were on our way to Charleston. We were going to Charleston to visit my grandmother so she could meet Will for the first time. He proceeded to vomit on her within the first five minutes of their meeting. Good first impression.
2. Croup on his first birthday. If you think I'm joking you should see his birthday pictures. Red snotty nose, swollen eyes and NO smile. I spent the entire night prior to his birthday up with him, medicating his fever, listening to his barky cough, and steaming the bathroom so he could breathe easier.
3. Ear infection with 105 fever. This occurred this past November right before Thanksgiving. We were only able to go to Savannah because we caught it somewhat early and started antibiotics just before we left to go out of town
4. And now a sinus infection and two crusty conjunctivitis infected eyes. Where are we now? Out of town of course! Between the two kids I was up four times several nights ago. One crying for food, the other crying because he was "scared," and wanted me to "hold you mommy, hold you."
AHHHH, the life of a mother!
Your child will only get sick surrounding a vacation, major event, or birthday.
In Will's first two years of life he has only been really sick a total of four times.
1. A nasty stomach virus when he was seven months old and we were on our way to Charleston. We were going to Charleston to visit my grandmother so she could meet Will for the first time. He proceeded to vomit on her within the first five minutes of their meeting. Good first impression.
2. Croup on his first birthday. If you think I'm joking you should see his birthday pictures. Red snotty nose, swollen eyes and NO smile. I spent the entire night prior to his birthday up with him, medicating his fever, listening to his barky cough, and steaming the bathroom so he could breathe easier.
3. Ear infection with 105 fever. This occurred this past November right before Thanksgiving. We were only able to go to Savannah because we caught it somewhat early and started antibiotics just before we left to go out of town
4. And now a sinus infection and two crusty conjunctivitis infected eyes. Where are we now? Out of town of course! Between the two kids I was up four times several nights ago. One crying for food, the other crying because he was "scared," and wanted me to "hold you mommy, hold you."
AHHHH, the life of a mother!
May 13, 2007
Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day! Two of my greatest blessings:
Matt and I are on a one week road trip starting in Athens and ending in Savannah next weekend. Today we spent Mother's Day with my parents, sister, aunt and uncle, grandfather and our two babies. Sweet Matt surprised me with a spa day to be spent at my favorite salon here in Athens, City Salon and Spa. My day includes a manicure, haircut and half hour massage. Three whole hours away from the kids!! Wednesday we head to Savannah to show off the baby to Matt's family. The weekend concludes with Matt's childhood friend Josh Klein's wedding at Bethesda Chapel. It's a lot of driving, but we're excited about being with family all week.

May 11, 2007
Will has learned how to count from one to ten. We didn't realize he knew how until he just came out with it this morning. Apparently he is listening to us even though it doesn't seem like it most of the time. His version of one through ten is so hilarious I had to share it with you......
Will: (needs to be shouted for full effect)
"one, two, one, four, five, chicken, eight, nine, ten, elubunum"
Will: (needs to be shouted for full effect)
"one, two, one, four, five, chicken, eight, nine, ten, elubunum"
May 9, 2007
Look how big I'm getting!
May 5, 2007
the terrible- err- terrific twos!
Annely Blake doesn't get much of a view these days. We have her pack & play set out in the den to keep her in during waking hours. This is mostly to protect her from big brother Will. We were nice and put a play gym mat down so at least she has something to look at other than the ceiling. I can see why second born children are usually so laid back!

Will likes to get into things when I'm too busy to notice. Today while I was giving Annely Blake a bath he was all too quiet. I caught him out of the corner of my eye dragging my hair dryer around by the cord saying, "come on dryer, come on." :) Later I found him in the bathroom surrounded by the evidence! He's got the guilty look going on here!
May 2, 2007
Funny Faces
Annely Blake makes some funny faces, including her infamous big yawn. I took these because she is changing every day and the grandparents are screaming for more pics!! If you look closely you'll notice she has a little bit of red in her hair. I have NO idea where that comes from. Who do you think she looks like?
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