Apr 11, 2007

one week to go.....

Hard to believe one week from now we'll be holding our baby girl. Thinking about the new baby is making me remember when Will was born. It seems like yesterday but it was over two years ago we brought our little man home from the hospital. We had no idea how he'd change our world- how we'd fall in love with him. I still can't get used to calling him a big brother. In my mind he's still my little baby. I'm not worried I'll have enough love and attention for this one, just worried I won't have enough for him. Here is a picture of him today- playing outside with his lawn mower.....and a couple of pictures from two years ago as our firstborn.

1 comment:

Jawan said...

Scared me there for a minute....I saw the pictures before reading your post and thought your water had broken today! Whew!