Apr 8, 2007

new blog

Well, I finally bit the bullet and decided to start a blog. Now you all can enjoy updates on Will and our growing family. I'm not sure what this is going to look like yet. It might end up being just about the kids, or I might record my feelings and thoughts....(ok I just heard a bunch of groans). As of today we have 1 1/2 weeks til baby Annely Blake arrives. I am between panic mode and elation. My mood swings are unpredictable at best. Poor Matt, he's got a lot to put up with! Here are some pictures of us today, Easter Sunday 2007, enjoy!!


The Zevacs said...

Way to join the blogging world, Kat!

Jawan said...

Can't wait to read more about your family! Blogging is so much fun!

ejm said...

You guys are so cute! :) I hope i get to meet Will one day...
