(if you are still reading this blog, I applaud you. I considered kicking it to the curb but there are a few *ahem* family members who would join together and all but dis-own me if I did that. so in order to stay on their good side I'll keep it going. I'm not making any promises for the future, though.)My sister got married in August. We spent two days in Athens without our kids and it was glorious.

We took a last minute trip to the beach. The weather was perfect and we practically had the b
each to ourselves as most kids were back in school.

Football season started. Like any good southern girl, I must dress my children in the colors of my team and make them pose in ridiculously humid conditions with the sun shining directly in their eyes. This picture is the result of that obligation to team.

Lastly, here is Henry at 8 months. He is getting so big I really must update on him more often. I know I am biased toward all my children being pretty cute, but oh. my. goodness. I could eat this little face up. He really is the cutest
Maxey by far. I hope my other children don't hate me for saying that one day.
Q: So, Kat, when do you plan on updating the blog again?A: Who knows?? We've got a lot of major decisions coming up and are in the middle of a particularly stressful period right now. More on that later. Just pray for us.