Dec 17, 2008

A Christmas Story... told by a rooster named Will. (Warning- this post will be low on inspiring words. The pictures should make up for that though. We just had the stomach bug tear through our house with a vengeance. Yes, all four of us. Fortunately we are on the mend now.)
The following are a few pictures from Will's participation in our Church's Christmas Nativity play this past Sunday.


Will as the rooster... I have not laughed so hard in a long time. Quite possibly one of the funniest things I've ever seen :) back view...
Some of the barnyard animals......note Will and best bud Luke were roosters together. Hilarious!

A couple of cows and a cute little mouse....

Rest of the animal crew......

Tomorrow is our family trip to the Georgia Aquarium. Can't wait! Pictures to follow!

1 comment:

ejm said...

Was there a rooster at the first Christmas? I guess there would have been, in a stable...but not something you normally think of! Hah!