Nov 18, 2008

Wiggly Party

Matt and I took the kids to see The Wiggles in Atlanta on Sunday. We made the trip with the Trammell family. Whew! What a day! 2 hour trip there, 1 1/2 hour show, dinner at a Mexican restaurant at 8pm, 2 hour ride back, (did I mention all 8 of us crammed into the minivan?) Kids to bed at 10:30. Then, 20 minutes after we got Will down he threw up all over his bed, den carpet, and kitchen floor. We spent the next hour washing sheets, mopping the floor, scrubbing carpets, and bathing him. A little too much Wiggly fun for him! Here are the pictures from our day:

Patiently waiting outside for Wiggles to start-


Getting a little antsy-

More waiting-

Here they come! Toot toot chugga chugga big red car! Fruit salad- yummy yummy

On the way home......all wiggled out!

Nov 13, 2008

"mommy, will you take our picture?"

will I take your picture? are you kidding....of course!

Nov 7, 2008

Sewing Storm

My latest creation for Annely Blake. I really took my time on this one and focused more on "quality" versus "getting it done fast." (For those who don't know me well, let's just say I don't have a whole lot of patience :)) If the finish line is in site I'm usually in a race with myself to get there. It's all about completing the task for me. So, anyways, I really pushed myself this time to slow down and be a little more precise in my cutting, pinning, and sewing. I think it paid off. I'm overall very please with the results. This pattern was one of the more difficult ones I've done and I also sewed my first zipper (not as hard as I thought), used interfacing for the first time and did more difficult tucks and gathers. I'm not sure if it's the cut of the dress, or the color fabric but Annely Blake looks like a little prairie girl in it :) I'll have to post some more pics when I actually have her in it. Since taking these I also added some ribbon trim to the sleeves, and tacked the collar down since it was sticking up when she wore it. Also, just so you know, in the second picture it looks like the left sleeve is a whole lot bigger than the right...not so. It's just the way the camera took the picture- I promise, they're even!

back view front view.... (only thing I'd do different next time is choose lining fabric that wasn't white :)

Nov 2, 2008


I'm super impressed with my husband and his friend David's wood-working abilities. Here is a picture of the bookcase they built yesterday for the kids' room. Impressed too, aren't you? I'll post another picture when it's painted and up in the room. Contact David Zevac to order yours today :)


No. But they sure could pass for brothers!

Nov 1, 2008

Halloween Fun

Our Halloween this year was lots of fun as usual! Our small group came over here and we took on our neighborhood for trick-or-treating. Then we came back to the house and enjoyed an incredible dinner and let the kids play. It's not Halloween without letting the kids stay up way too late and eat more candy than their supposed to, right? Enjoy the pics...

The cowboy and the ladybug Annely Blake was a trooper all night, despite an ear infection and 103 temp
The two best buds- that inseparable pair of Lukester and Willster

I tried to get all the kids in the picture but you know how that goes

Riding in style- that's what I call front door service!

Our crew heading down the street