Well, I have no excuses for my lack of posting over the past few weeks. Except that we've had a lot going on, some of which I'll be sharing below. VBS has consumed my mind and time this week so I guess that's my excuse for today :) I'll hit the high points of what we've been up to lately.....
1. Small group get away to the lake without the kids. Obviously had to come first. How many chances do you have to get away with 9 of your closest friends at a gorgeous lake house, staying up way too late, playing games and fighting during them, laughing a ton, playing guitar hero, baking in the sun, and not stopping one minute to wipe a nose, change a diaper, stop a fight or in general think of anyone else's well being for two solid days?
Our group: l to r- Walker, Susie, Sarah, David, Bridget, Steve
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