Jun 24, 2008

Our Big News.....

We're having baby #3!!
What everyone wants to know-
Status: 9weeks, 2 days
Due Date: late January
How I am feeling: blah
Will we find out what we're having: of course, I can't stand surprises!

Jun 23, 2008

Things I Love...

Will sitting quietly in the living room reading his new Peter Rabbit book

Annely Blake lovin' on her baby doll

That hair!

Jun 18, 2008

This and That

Warning: picture overload

Well, I have no excuses for my lack of posting over the past few weeks. Except that we've had a lot going on, some of which I'll be sharing below. VBS has consumed my mind and time this week so I guess that's my excuse for today :) I'll hit the high points of what we've been up to lately.....

1. Small group get away to the lake without the kids. Obviously had to come first. How many chances do you have to get away with 9 of your closest friends at a gorgeous lake house, staying up way too late, playing games and fighting during them, laughing a ton, playing guitar hero, baking in the sun, and not stopping one minute to wipe a nose, change a diaper, stop a fight or in general think of anyone else's well being for two solid days?

Our group: l to r- Walker, Susie, Sarah, David, Bridget, Steve Ryan, Ashley, Nathan

The Lake House- as you can see, it could have been a little more spacious :)

Where we spent most of the day:

David showing off:

2. Annely Blake is walking!! Not all the time, but enough :) Finally, my back can take a rest!

And, as I mentioned before, VBS is this week. We started it off with a moon-walk. Will wasn't too sure.

I'll try to do better about the posting. Seeing as how I'm quick to point out when others have fallen behind :)

Jun 4, 2008

A Week of Firsts

It's been a week of firsts for Will. Instead of being smart and spreading all this fun stuff out over the summer, we're cramming it in, day after day. What will we do next month when we've run out of new and exciting?

No firsts for her.....just a cute picture! First time fishing.

And he caught one on the first cast!

First time on a paddle boat. (I love the look of trepidation he and Luke have :)

First time "practicing" on daddy's trumpet.

First baseball game. Columbus Catfish vs Savannah Sandnats. They ain't the Braves... :)

Snacks are always good.

Meeting a Catfish player, Ozzie, who signed a fly ball for Will. He now sleeps with the ball in his bed every night.