Will and I both survived his first day of school. I left him this morning sobbing in the arms of his teacher. Not a great way to start the day..... but fortunately no phone call from the school begging me to come back and pick up my hysterical kid. My morning wasn't exactly all I dreamed it would be due to a certain little persnickety princess who decided she A) wasn't going to take her morning nap and B) wanted to be held all morning and delivered ear piercing screams whenever I put her down. *Sigh*.....I guess I can't have it all, can I?
As promised- more pictures than you wanted to see from Will's first day:
On the way out the door with bag in hand....."
hmmmm, not too sure about this school thing"

Entrance to St. Marks Preschool

Entrance to Will's room- his teacher's flag over the door-incidentally she's German which is funny (funny ironic not funny ha ha) because Will's
fav Sunday School teacher is German too so at least he's used to the accent :)

Will's place at the table with a puzzle waiting for him.

Just before the sobbing started..... the quiet before the storm.

Back at home with craft in hand and ready for a nap!! (Also, for those interested, Will kept his pants dry all morning!!! Yeah for him!)
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