It's what I feel I can finally do after emerging from my "newborn coma" I've been in the past three months. Maybe it's the fact I now have two kids instead of one, or that Will was an exceptionally easy baby, but it didn't seem to last as long with him. I finally feel I've adjusted to being a mom of two and all it entails. Good thing too- with fall around the corner we're getting geared up for the busy season of our lives: football, running Mops, ladies Bible studies, etc.. Will starts pre-school next week (yes that's right- preschool!) giving me two glorious mornings a week to myself. With added sewing projects and Mops stuff I'm sure to make good use of that time. Here are some updates on the kiddos:
Annely Blake-
A little princess in the making. Surprising me by deciding to sleep 12+ hours at night! I thought we were several months away from that. She's keeping us all entertained with her coos and smiles- reminding us she's still here with her big brother taking center stage most of the time. This week has been devoted to getting her used to a bottle... something I should have done all along but it was just easier not to. She's not taking it without a fight though,-bless her, her will might be as strong as her momma's! If we're successful I can finally enter the adult world at night again and maybe Matt and I can attempt to go on some kind of date soon!
Non-stop, 100% boy. He is now at the beginning of what we hope will be our last potty-training attempt. After two failed starts I think this is it. He finally gets it now and we've been accident free for one whole week! We've also ventured out to public places without a diaper and braved the scary world of public potties. Pre-school starts Monday at a little Methodist church around the corner. Good for him, good for me. I told him his teacher was Ms. McDonald and he thought for a minute then said, "E-I-E-I-O"! Let's hope he doesn't start making animal sounds at her during class.
On another note.... having friends over for lunch- Lulie and Anne Trammell. Lulie is three weeks older than Will and his opposite. Which is why Susie and I joke that one day they'll get married. Lulie bosses Will around and most of the time he lets her. He pushes her and she hugs him. Today they ended their play session with a kiss- on the mouth! Oh boy, hopefully not a foreshadowing of things to come....
1 comment:
Now you're scary me - the Charlie newborn fog lasted quite awhile for me!!!!!
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