Jun 2, 2007


A thorough cleansing of both our children was necessary this morning. We found vile pictures of them posted on our friend's website: www.allaboutadams.blogspot.com. Who ever thought blue and orange was a good color combination anyway? My dad said he heard crying over the phone when he called last night....I can see why. Annely Blake was able to redeem herself somewhat- we'll have to get Will in some Georgia gear another time. Steve and Bridget, I never thought you would stoop so low as to put Will in a cheerleader uniform. I mean, Auburn colors are bad enough, but a dress? War Tiger is it??? Oh, by the way Steve, I saw Walmart had Auburn paraphernalia on clearance....looks like they can't even give it away.


Jawan said...

That is too funny....well, kind of. HA!

The Third One said...

oh please, will was adorable!!!