Sep 26, 2007


We're thankful Will has a lot of great friends to play with here in Columbus. A couple of them came over today........

Bethany: the girly-girl Luke: the wild man (and not wearing any pants- they had red velvet cake smeared on them!)
Will: sometimes the bully, sometimes the sweetheart- you just never know with this kid
enjoying Miss Bridget's red velvet cupcakes

looks like someones going to be a thumb-sucker!

Sep 24, 2007


Just a bunch of random pics, mostly for the GP's. Enjoy!

Caught in the act........finding the keys and unlocking the dead bolt- yes, he taught himself that."Crazy face." Or, a sure way to send my sister into hysterical fits of laughter.

Close-up. Annely Blake looks worried. Daddy's girl indeed :)

More johnny jump up.
Look who's almost sitting up!


Here are a few pics from yesterday. At the Upatoi Polo Cup with my sister.

Sep 20, 2007


It's been a week of firsts for Annely Blake. First time rolling over (well, actually that happened a few weeks ago), first two teeth coming in, and as you can see from the below picture, first taste of rice cereal. Yum!! Silly, sideways smirk....
And not to leave out big brother Will.........
he's been working on his pronouns, "mom, he's crying", "mom, he's spit up" (we're working on the annely-blake-is-a-girl drill), and perfecting the art of a somersault. Otherwise Will's been keeping me on my toes 24/7 with his newest trick: getting things that were previously unattainable with his stool.....(stuff in the freezer, pantry, closet, you name it.)

Brother and sister- sharing a secret before bed. Lovin' every minute of watching these two grow up together

Sep 17, 2007


We just got back from a busy, fun few days in Savannah. Will had a BLAST playing with his six cousins and went to bed every night saying, "more cousins, more cousins!"
What did we do?.....

Will got a much needed haircut- thanks MiMi!! Halfway there.......
The completed "do"

Annely Blake tried out her new Bumbo seat (thanks Sarah!)

We took Will to meet the cousins at Flying Frogs....

Annely Blake got lots of hugs and kisses from Aunt Lori....

......and from cousin Kaylee

Five of the eight grand-children

Matt and his older brother Scott

Pa Pa's boy!

In the car on the way home.....somebody was gettin' a little stir-crazy :)

Sep 10, 2007

I'm back

After a long weekend in Athens for the first UGA game of the season. After two kids with two colds and being off schedule and not sleeping. After five days of unpacking smelly men's clothing at the Attic Sale, and being on my feet for 8-9 hours a day on hard concrete floors. I'm back, and I'm exhausted. Just in time too. Tomorrow is our first Mops meeting of the year. I think I'm marking Wednesday on the calendar as "crash" day. I feel like I need to justify my absence to all you blog-stalkers lest you think I was taking a vacation or something :) I'm back- and I promise I'll post more often from now on!